Jumatatea estica a Statelor Unite si a Canadei vor putea receptiona semnalul de la satelitul european NSS-K.

Mai jos este descrierea echipamentului necesar.

Harta de acoperire a satelitului NSS-K se afla la adresa:

Parametri satelit NSS-K:
NSS-K Satellite
Frequency: 11.6875
Polarisation: V(fixed)
FEC Rate: 2/3
Symbol rate: 6.6200
Mode: Non Power Vu

RE: NSS-K Reception in North America
The broadcasts can be received on the Eastern Seaboard of the US and Canada, via the N American Spot Beam - please see reffered chart.

The following equipment would be needed:

1 Ku Band Satellite Dish Antenna of 1.2 meter in the strongest areas (deepest red on chart) to 1.5 in the weaker areas, fitted with Ku Band LNB, .0.8dB. Larger C-band dish antennas may also be used, if fitted with this Ku Band LNB.

2 Digital free-to-air satellite Receiver (such as the ones currently being used for ATN broadcasts - Scientific Atlanta, Manhattan & others)

Local installers could probably assist your viewers in that area with satellite angles of elevation, azimuth and LNB offset. If they need further assistance, they could contact me at the email address below.

Errol van Eck
Adventist Television Network
Technical Information Co-ordinator & Africa Representative
Email: atn@telkomsa.net Web: www.agcn.org Ph / Fx: +27-11-805-2803
Johannesburg, South Africa
Keep checking our web site for the latest information to keep you up to date!
